From our very beginning supporting our clients PC’s and small networks (under 20 PC’s) has been a mainstay of our business.
For both business and domestic customers issues; whether a technical problem with a PC i.e. hard drive failure, or video problems; we have been there. These days hard drive upgrades are few and far between due to the sizes now available, but they do sometimes go wrong and we are there to backup what we can, install the new drive, install Windows and the programs you use and then restore the data.
Many of our business clients need to have access to their systems throughout the day and as with our domestic customers we are happy to work out of hours including weekends to deliver for you.
We can also advise on backup strategies for you. This is often overlooked and could endanger your business.
With businesses and now the home our networking advice can be very useful, businesses may only have a few PC’s networked together, but in the home with PC’s, laptops, games consoles, internet TV’s, tablet computers and mobile phones, a family of 4 could already have a dozen devices fighting for network band width.
Virus’s are becoming more and more an issue and ensuring you have the right protection is important, if your not sure give us a call.